Sensor Modules
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Gyroscope Sensor Module is a 3-Axis gyroscope sensor. It utilizes the InvenSense MPU3050 Motion Processor Unit providing a full-scale range from +/- 250˚/s up to +/-2000˚/s of angular rate measurement while providing the highest robustness supporting 10 000 g of shock.

The module uses the I²C interface for data communication. The I²C lines are packaged with the power and ground lines into a modular connector, which allows easy plug and play operation. There are two connectors on the module to enable daisy chaining of multiple I²C devices together.

The OSEPP Gyroscope Sensor Module combined with the OSEPP Accelerometer Sensor Module can deliver a complete 6-axis sensor for full motion detection.



  • Plug and play with OSEPP I²C Expansion Shield
  • X-, Y-, Z- Axis angular rate gyros sensor
  • Programmable angular rate sensors with full-scale-range of +/-250, 500, 1000, or 2000 ˚/s
  • 16-bit ADC for digitizing sensor output, sample rate programmable from 8000 samples/sec down to 3.9 samples per second
  • Supports I²C interfacing with 2 programmable 7-bit address of 0x68 or 0x69
  • Provides pass-through connector to support daisy chaining of multiple sensors from the OSEPP Sensor Module family
  • Provides 0.1” breakout points for power and I²C interface pins access



I²C Addresses (7-bit) 0x68, 0x69
Form Factor 23 mm x 36 mm
Power Consumption 30.5 mW (Active); 0.025 mW (Sleep)
Connector Pin Definition Pin 1: Power
Pin 2: I²C Data
Pin 3: Ground
Pin 4: I²C Clock



OSEPP™ Gyroscope Sensor Module Schematic (PDF)
InvenSense MPU-3050 Motion Processing Unit Product Specification (PDF)
InvenSense MPU-3050 Register Map (PDF)
You can download the library from Github here.  


Stock Code Product Name
GYROS-01 OSEPP™ Gyroscope Sensor Module